Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Orang Utan and Fireflies distressed by haze

Not only is the Malaysian human populace is up in arms over the haze, the Orang Utans too are not happy. Apparently according to a Reuters story orang utans in Borneo are very distressed with the prolonged haze conditions.

"We can hear them scream late at night,"
Saut Manalu, a senior official at the Tanjung Puting national park where 6,000 orangutans live .

He added ...
"fires had been found inside the reserve that occupies a large swathe of land in Central Kalimantan province on Indonesia's side of Borneo island."

The thick haze also threathening the existence of Malaysian fireflies.

"We have noticed a drop in the firefly population,"
Laurence Kirton, a biologist with the Forestry Research Institute of Malaysia, who has been closely monitoring the insects for the last five months, told Reuters

Full story here.

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