Not only is the Malaysian human populace is up in arms over the haze, the Orang Utans too are not happy. Apparently according to a Reuters story orang utans in Borneo are very distressed with the prolonged haze conditions.
"We can hear them scream late at night,"
Saut Manalu, a senior official at the Tanjung Puting national park where 6,000 orangutans live .
He added ...
"fires had been found inside the reserve that occupies a large swathe of land in Central Kalimantan province on Indonesia's side of Borneo island."
The thick haze also threathening the existence of Malaysian fireflies.
"We have noticed a drop in the firefly population,"
Laurence Kirton, a biologist with the Forestry Research Institute of Malaysia, who has been closely monitoring the insects for the last five months, told Reuters
Full story here.
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